Contact Us
Grand Style Doodles
We Are Here For You...
We Strive To Provide The Best Experience. We’re Here To Answer Any Questions, Comments, Or Concerns You May Have. We Have Experience, Knowledge, And Above All Else, A Passion To Provide The Education You Need To Give The Best Care For Your New Furry Friend. You Can Call, Text, Or Email Us By Filling Out Our Contact Form! We Look Forward To Hearing From You!
Puppy Delivery Options
We are always happy to meet if you would like to pick up your puppy in person. This would be at 8 weeks of age. We would arrange a time and day that works for both of us by filling out the form above, calling, or sending a text. At the same time, we understand this is not always possible. So we have additional delivery options available for you as well. We are always happy to send more specific, price and delivery date options, In order to do this we would need your location information. Here are additional options to get your newest furry family member safely into your arms.
Ground Delivery
approximately $300 - $400
7% sales tax added for pick up and Ohio state residence
Air Delivery
approximately $500 - $550