
Meet Conner,  an  F1B mini goldendoodle. Conner weighs under 4lb at 7 weeks old, so we are estimating him to stay a lil smaller, approx 15 lb or less. Full grown…. this is not a guarantee, only an estimate to the best of our knowledge. Conner loves to lay in your arms for a belly rub, will lay there very calm, savoring all the attention he is getting. Also, these lil ones, are not completely potty trained, but do go potty indoors, on a grass swatch. We take them outside, where they go potty as well. So they have been introduced to both concepts, which will hopefully help with easy training!

Mom Lexi is a gentle , loving ,  F1 mini goldendoodle .weighs 27lb

Dad Lance a lot is a Handsome mini poodle weighs 7lbs

If you wish to provide a loving home for Conner, please reach out today! I am happy to answer any questions you may have!

If you are not able to pickup in person, we offer delivery options as well.

Thank you for visiting our website

We are price negotiable!


I Found My Family!

Birthday: 12-24-2022
Available: 02-18-2023
Gender: Male
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